Get Involved

HoCo Climate Action Needs You!

We are excited that you want to get involved. We need to create a sense of urgency about the climate crisis among the public and decision makers. Look no further than our section on Volunteer Opportunities for many ways to be a part of the fight for a safe climate future. We also welcome your ideas.

Volunteer Opportunities

We are an all-volunteer organization helping to bring awareness to the climate crisis and figure out solutions. See some of our current advocacy work.
Here are just some of the areas where we need YOU:

  • Attend (by zoom until further notice) our monthly advocacy team meetings to help steer the course forward. Meetings are posted in our enewsletter. You can also email for dates and to RSVP.

  • Help write and send announcements about events and activities

  • Help with social media. We have Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts

  • Staff our table at events

  • Take part in in lobbying and protests

  • Help plan presentations

  • Write letters to the editor

  • Write to, call or meet with lawmakers about proposed legislation

  • Make art for climate actions

  • Help keep our website up-to-date

We also welcome your ideas. If you want to help but are not sure how you can best contribute, please contact us at