To keep up with our climate work, sign up for our enewsletter here.
To join the HoCo Climate Action Advocacy team, email us at
Team meeting dates are here.
Ongoing Advocacy work
We are working on:
Dis-incentivizing or banning gas hook-ups in new housing and other new buildings in Howard County. The long-term goal is all-electric buildings. A first step is keeping gas out of new buildings. Visit Electrify HoCo Campaign resources (
RPS Clean-up: Maryland created a Renewable Portfolio Standard program in 2004 to subsidize new renewable energy development, with money from our utility bills. But over time, the RPS program has gotten dirtier and dirtier and now it subsidizes a lot of polluters, from trash incinerators to wood burners to chicken poop digesters. We are working to get these dirty energy sources out of the RPS.
Stopping new fracked-gas infrastructure, such as pipelines.
Promoting Community Choice Energy: We are educating our representatives and the public with the goal of having CCE in Howard County,
Supporting wind and solar to replace fossil fuel energy. Promoting solar and community solar.
Participating in the development of Howard County's new Climate Action Plan: We submitted recommendations and will have more opportunities to shape this document. The Howard County Council will need to pass this plan as legislation.
Eliminating single-use plastic: We are continuing the work on the plastic crisis at the local, state, and national levels and in collaboration with Less Plastic Please.