Electrification of New Buildings in Howard County Webinar

A webinar hosted by Howard County Legacy Leadership ​Institute for the Environment (HoLLIE)

and presented by Electrify HoCo and Electrify our Future


By 2030, the County strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60%. Buildings contribute 11% of the greenhouse gases from onsite fossil fuel combustion in Howard County. Building codes are updated every three years, which presents the County the opportunity this year to significantly reduce the greenhouse emissions in new buildings.

Electrify HoCo and Electrify Our Future are urging the County to enact new building codes that require new buildings and substantial renovations in the county to use electric appliances for heat, hot water and other domestic uses. 

This webinar will explore the issues around the combustion of fossil fuel in buildings to include health, safety and financial benefits of electrification and the impact on climate change.

SUPPORT Electrify HoCo & Electrify Our Future

Join hundreds of people and many organizations in Howard County and support the transition away from burning fossil fuels in buildings.   

Please support our Electrify HoCo and student-led Electrify Our Future(EOF) campaigns 

The Clean New Buildings Climate Act

On March 6, 2023, the Howard County Council passed the Clean New Buildings Climate Act (CB5-2023) to put the county on the pathway to all-electric new buildings. The Act requires the County Executive to report to the Council on the changes needed to building codes to require electrification of new buildings, as well as major renovations and additions. The County will likely take up legislation to enact the changes into law in 2025.

Passing the Clean New Buildings Climate Act (click to expand)

In passing the Clean New Buildings Climate Act (CB5-2023), Howard County became the 100th local jurisdiction in the U.S. to adopt a policy encouraging or requiring all-electric buildings. Be sure to check out this very cool (and brief) 100 Cities announcement video.

Here are a few photos of us in our electric green t-shirts testifying in our Pack the Room event and at the Council vote and a video of the CB5 voting session. Our friends at CCAN issued a news release. Other news coverage includes: 

Thank you to all who able attend the Council hearing and/or the voting session wearing our electrifying  “Electrify HoCo'' t-shirts. We were a show of force. Thank you, as well, to all who signed letters, wrote emails, called Council members and submitted oral and written testimony. A special shout-out to the high school students, whose passion and commitment for a safe climate had an enormous influence on elected officials. Council members noted several times that community support was very strong and that they heard us loud and clear.

As noted during the voting session, this legislation is just step one: a report. As we like to say: This is the end of the beginning. The final HoCo Climate Action Plan was released in June 2023, and on October 11, 2023, the Howard County Council passed the HoCo By Design plan - a long-range, visionary document that guides land use, growth, and development decisions. 

We will need to stay active and strong throughout this year and into next spring, when we will gear up for the work of implementing the December report recommendations to require new buildings be all-electric. Councilwoman Deb Jung said near the end of the voting session: “I do hope that you will be back in a year once the report is issued and we are looking at step two, because ….that’s going to take some heavy lifting. We look forward to your continued support and participation in this process.”

Let’s keep the momentum going as we celebrate the passage of CB5 and move on to the next phase of building strong community support for #Electrify HoCo. We hope you join the Electrify HoCo/EOF Campaign to stay involved and up to date.

Electrify HoCo has partnered with the youth group Electrify Our Future to build strong community support for electrification of new and renovated buildings. During this phase of the #ElectrifyHoCo campaign, we will be spreading the word about passage of the Clean New Buildings Climate Act (CB5-2023) and the urgent need to Electrify HoCo by passing legislation in 2025 to require electrification of new and renovated buildings.    





Climate Benefits (click to expand)

Good For the Climate:

HEALth Benefits (click to expand)

Fossil Fuels are Dirty and Dangerous

Gas stoves are a Primary Source of Pollution Inside the Home

Economic benefits (click to expand)

Electrification is affordable: 

Maryland Buildings Decarbonization Study found that: 

Electrify your home (click to expand)

Make a plan

Electrify infographic V2.pdf
FINAL revision - Lindsay revision - Anjali's infographic.pdf
FINAL EOF pamphlet.pdf
Copy of electrifyevertyhing-booklet (1).pdf