Legislative Work


HoCo Climate Action members work hard to get climate-related legislation passed at the local, state and national level. We sign petitions, organize sign-on letters, testify at hearings, submit written testimony, attend rallies, and, when necessary, get arrested. #GoodTrouble

Resource - Navigating the MD General Assembly website

2021 General Assembly bills

HoCo Climate Action's tracked Maryland Climate Bills 2021

Session reviews:

2020 General Assembly bills

2020 General Assembly session cut short

The Maryland General Assembly session ended on March 16, 2020 nearly three weeks early, because of the coronavirus pandemic. Regrettably, none of our top bills passed. CCAN's summary of the session is here, Maryland Sierra Club's summary is here and the Maryland Clean Energy Center comprehensive assessment is here.

HoCo Climate Action's tracked Maryland Climate Bills 2020

Howard County bills

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