
SUPPORT Electrify HoCo & Electrify Our Future

Please visit our Electrify HoCo and student-led Electrify Our Future(EOF) campaign pages to support all-electric new buildings.
Poll shows most want electrification

coming Events

Learn about utilities’ role in slowing or accelerating the transition to renewable energy and take action with us and our partners 

Tuesday, May 14 to July 16   7 pm - Utilities Public Education Series by target utilities’ role in slowing or accelerating the transition to renewable energy.  The topic for May 14 is Community Run Renewables,   See the topics for each week, and sign up for certain topics or the whole series through July 16 here. 

Thursday, June 18, 3pm  Third Act and 350 MoCo comment writing on Future of Gas docket.  Register for zoom here.  We’ll discuss the Maryland Public Service Commission, which regulates utilities in the state, and a hearing scheduled for July 25 about the long-term plans for Maryland’s gas utilities. We’ll also draft testimony for the hearing and go over how to upload written testimony.

Some Testimony Resources in addition to those provided in this meeting:

Talking Points, Testimony Guide  and Emily Scarr blog on the Future of Gas

Earth Justice comments asking for this proceeding more than a year ago

Folder with resources on FofG and Stride

Register on PSC site here to submit written comments  for  Case Number 9707. 

Upload your public comments in a .pdf file. The uploaded .pdf is added to the PSC public website.

Note: To testify in person on July 25,  you had to email by July 11th.

Thursday, July 25, 9:15 AM  MeetUp/Press Conference about the Future of Gas (FofG) - at the west side of St. Paul between Fayette St. and E. Lexington, across from Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr. Courthouse (address for google maps 102 St. Paul Baltimore, MD.  Info and Sign up to let rally organizers know you are coming and to get updates here

10 AM The Future of Gas docket in person at the Public Service Commission in the Frank O. Heintz Hearing Room, 16th Floor, William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Maryland.   Info  Rewiring America comments October 2023.    

Many of us will speak to express support for robust state efforts to move off gas use in homes and for electrification  Plan plan to join us and help us pack the room. Email to carpool from Howard County. 

Written Comments submitted - at This Link  - choose Case No. 9707

Hearing Schedule