2021 online Advocacy Meetings
At our August 2021 advocacy meeting, CCAN's new MD Director Victoria Venable and MD Campaign Coordinator Anthony Field previewed responses to the latest climate warnings. Anthony is working with climate protectors in Howard County and around the state to discourage new fracked-gas hookups and infrastructure. Victoria is working with state climate leaders from all sectors to prioritize clean energy solutions.
Here's the 6-minute video from Samantha Bee's "Full Frontal" - “Here’s Why Your Gas Stove is Killing You.” - June 2, 2021, shown during the presentation.
HoCo Climate Action is meeting Tuesday, Aug. 31, at 4 p.m. to discuss next steps for this campaign. Next Steps and resources here.
Joshua Feldmark, director of Howard County's Office of Community Sustainability, spoke at our July 2021 meeting about updating our county's climate action plan. Joshua manages environmental and sustainability policy for Howard County across multiple departments. He provided background about the existing climate plan, explained the process for gathering ideas for the new plan, and answered questions. After Josh's presentation, we brainstormed ideas for the updated climate plan.
Based on our discussion at the meeting, HoCo Climate Action submitted comments for updating the climate action.
During our May 2021 meeting, Brooke Harper spoke about her role as the Maryland State Director for the Energy Foundation. Many of us know Brooke through her years at CCAN leading the successful fight to ban fracking and pass the Clean Energy Jobs Act. Currently, she works for and the Energy Foundation.